Monday, July 5, 2010

Caribou from Dar es Salaam! Yes yes i made it....most of you probably heard about my traveling experince, but i guess you could say i am pretty much the world traveler! So i got through the aiports fine, i was pretty proud of myslef, no help needed shocking i know! I arrive in Tanzania at 10:30 at night, but of course i went to the wrong line for my Visa, so that took extra long, and then my luggage was sent to i had to go to another line for lost luggage. Lets just say about four hours later i finally walk out to the lobby, to find no one there!...yes yes no one! So i could have started crying, and i almost did....instead i decided to be a big girl and go to an information desk i found! i said excuse me Ma'am i need to call my Dad In AMERICA! it is Urgent...and all she said was oh no!! So after much money, and very nice men at the airport, i finally talked to dad and he got to mrs grace! The men at the airport called me "Britian" and they say "You Britian, You be apart of airport security tonight, we all in this together!"
Anyways aside from this adventure, i have been finding myself shocked by the culture here. We take everyting for granted in America! i shower with a bucket, imagine how much water we could save if we did this haha! Cars do not stop for people, yes i figured this one out! And if you are not hungry, they still give you food! Lots of rice....mhmmm yeah i have been forced to not be picky! But the juice here, has to be my favorite. Today i saw these boys riding their bikes, with stacks and stacks of eggs!!!...they could have fallen and crashed! My family here is such a blessing, the kids call me sister, and they are precious. Brother daviod, and sister Goria! They are fascinated by everything of mine! And Dad calls me daughter! Yesterday i sat through a seven hour church service all in Swahil, and yes i had to stand up and introduce myself, i mean im pretty sure every noticed me! I had a very nice man translating everything for me, so that was good! How amazing it was to Praise God in a different Lauguage! My swahiii is very very bad, and when i try and say the three words i think i know, i get a laugh! Mambo?? Pao?? and Asanti??? haha! Its very intersting to sit through converstaions and not know anything they are saying at all! Today i get to visit an orphange so i am very excited about this. Theres just so much to say, but so little time....! Thank you so so so much for the prayers, they are greatly appreciated! God has already taught me so much, i cant wait to see whats instore for me next.
P.s. yes i know my spelling of these words are horrible, so please excuse me!


  1. I read this entry with a smile on my face Brittany because I can hear your sweet voice in my head as I read it. I am so very proud of you and am praying for handled the airport situation like a young woman - not a little girl. I love you so very much!!! Mama Gina :)

  2. Soooo many Mama's for you Britt. Glad to read the first chapter of your story. I'll bet there will be lots of good chapters. Keep them coming. So proud of you...Dad!

  3. Brit! i am so proud of you :) Going off is not easy but you did it! and now your in AFRICA:) I love you and I miss you :) cant wait to catch up and share about our summers :) Praying for you!

  4. Love the update, it's like you're here talking to us. Thanks for taking the time. I know you are very busy.

    Praying for you.

    love you..mrs.delana

  5. Here I go one more time... :) I'm having some problem getting my comment on, but gonna try again. Britty, Wow, what a beginning! I love that the Security were ready to bring you on with them. What a blessing, even there!

    You have a gift of bringing smiles and laughter to others...even by accident! :) Looking forward to your written journey in Tanzania. Praying over here... ms g
